20 UK Expressions That Confuse Other Regions

Explore the unique linguistic quirks specific to various regions across the UK. These regional phrases, from Scottish colloquialisms to Cornish expressions, provide a colourful glimpse into local dialects. How many of these can you decipher?

1. “It’s Crackin’ Flags” – Yorkshire

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Used in Yorkshire to describe very hot weather, implying it’s hot enough to crack paving stones.

2. “Ginnel” – North England

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A term for a narrow passageway between buildings, commonly used in cities like Manchester and Leeds.

3. “Dreckly” – Cornwall

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A word from Cornwall that means “directly,” but more often implies that something will happen in its own time.

4. “Pure Barry” – Scotland

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A phrase from Scotland, especially around Edinburgh, meaning something is excellent or fantastic.

5. “Tamping” – South Wales

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Used in South Wales to express anger or frustration, as in “I was absolutely tamping.”

6. “On the Huh” – Norfolk

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A Norfolk dialect phrase meaning something is crooked or askew.

7. “Hoy” – North East England

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In North East England, particularly Newcastle, “hoy” means to throw something. It can also be used to get someone’s attention.

8. “Nesh” – Midlands

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In the Midlands, if someone is described as ‘nesh’, they’re particularly sensitive to the cold.

9. “Jiggered” – Liverpool

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A Liverpudlian way of saying extremely tired or broken, as in “I’m absolutely jiggered.”

10. “Peely-wally” – Scotland

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In Scotland, if someone looks “peely-wally,” they appear pale or ill.

11. “Bampot” – Scotland

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A Scottish term used to describe a foolish, annoying, or crazy person.

12. “Twoccing” – Midlands

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Originally from the Midlands, “twoccing” is slang for taking something without permission; it stands for “taking without owner’s consent.”

13. “Cwtch” – Wales

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A Welsh term for an affectionate hug, implying a safe, warm, and loving place.

14. “Mardy” – East Midlands

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In the East Midlands, “mardy” is used to describe someone who is sulky or moody.

15. “Dinnae Ken” – Scotland

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A Scots phrase meaning “don’t know,” commonly used across Scotland.

16. “Antwacky” – Liverpool

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Something that’s old-fashioned or outdated, often used by older generations in Liverpool.

17. “Lug” – Scotland

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In Scotland, “lug” refers to the ear, but can also mean to listen attentively.

18. “Jammy” – East England

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In East England, calling someone “jammy” means they are very lucky or often find themselves in favourable situations by chance.

19. “Kip” – South West England

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In South West England, “kip” is not just a nap, but can also refer to a place of sleep, like “I’m heading back to my kip.”

20. “Blether” – Scotland

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In Scotland, a “blether” is someone who talks a lot, often about trivial matters.

How Many Did You Get Right?

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Each of these phrases offers a window into the rich tapestry of speech across the UK. Did you recognize any, or were some completely new to you?

The post 20 UK Expressions That Confuse Other Regions first appeared on LoveLists.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dean Drobot.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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