21 Toxic Male Behaviours That Still Exist Today

Despite advances in societal awareness and the progress spurred by movements like #MeToo, certain toxic behaviours by men continue to persist, often unchallenged. This list examines the specific actions and attitudes that remain prevalent, raising questions about what still needs to change. How can identifying these behaviours help us confront and address them more effectively?

1. Gaslighting

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Men often manipulate conversations to make others question their own reality or sanity, a tactic known as gaslighting.

2. Mansplaining

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The tendency of some men to explain things to women in a condescending or patronizing manner, assuming women know less by default.

3. Avoiding Consequences

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Some men evade accountability for their actions, especially in positions of power, where they can bypass consequences others might face.

4. Emotional Withholding

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Withholding affection or emotional support as a form of control is a common tactic that can be subtle but damaging.

5. Shifting Blame

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A frequent behavior where men shift the blame to others, particularly women, to avoid taking responsibility for their own actions.

6. Overstepping Boundaries

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Ignoring or deliberately crossing personal and professional boundaries, which can make others feel disrespected or unsafe.

7. Microaggressions

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Subtle, often unintentional, actions or remarks that are discriminatory or demeaning, particularly towards women and minorities.

8. Stereotyping

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Holding and acting on generalized and often inaccurate beliefs about gender roles, contributing to discrimination and inequality.

9. Workplace Dominance

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Dominating conversations and meetings or taking credit for others’ ideas, particularly undermining female colleagues.

10. Inappropriate Jokes

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Making and defending jokes that are sexist, racist, or otherwise offensive under the guise of “just kidding.”

11. Stalking or Creepy Behavior

a young woman watching something through the blinds of her window

Engaging in behaviors that stalk, harass, or intimidate, often excused as romantic persistence.

12. Sexual Entitlement

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Feeling entitled to sex or romantic attention, leading to coercive or manipulative behavior towards partners or acquaintances.

13. Verbal Aggression

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Using aggressive or abusive language to assert dominance or intimidate, especially in disagreements.

14. Disregarding Consent

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Ignoring or minimizing the importance of explicit consent in sexual and non-sexual contexts.

15. Emotional Manipulation

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Manipulating emotions to control or influence others’ behavior, often in personal relationships.

16. Mocking Vulnerability

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Mocking or belittling others for showing vulnerability or emotions, reinforcing harmful stereotypes about masculinity.

17. Withholding Information

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Deliberately withholding information that others need to make informed decisions, maintaining a power imbalance.

18. Physical Intimidation

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Using physical presence or subtle threats to intimidate or control others, particularly in private or unmonitored settings.

19. Financial Control

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Controlling household finances to limit a partner’s independence and freedom, a form of economic abuse.

20. Victim Blaming

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Blaming victims for the harm they experience, particularly in contexts of sexual assault or harassment.

21. Exclusionary Tactics

Image Credit: Shutterstock / YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV

Using social or professional influence to exclude or isolate others, particularly those who are seen as threats or outsiders.

Time for Change

Image Credit: Shutterstock / fizkes

Recognizing and naming these behaviours is the first step towards change. By calling out these actions and holding individuals accountable, we can work towards a society where such toxic behaviours are no longer tolerated or excused. What steps can we take to ensure these behaviours are addressed more effectively?

The post 21 Toxic Male Behaviours That Still Exist Today first appeared on LoveLists.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / YAKOBCHUK VIACHESLAV.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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