21 Indicators of Harmful Masculinity You Should Know

Toxic masculinity can subtly influence actions and attitudes, affecting not just interactions but internal well-being too. Recognizing these signs requires observation and empathy, looking beyond the surface to the influences shaping behaviours.

1. Emotional Lockdown

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If he rarely expresses emotions beyond frustration or anger, it might be a sign of emotional suppression, a cornerstone of toxic masculinity.

2. Aggression as Default

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When he resorts to aggression as his go-to response to conflict or stress, it indicates a belief in aggression as a symbol of strength.

3. Mockery of Femininity

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Antonio Guillem

If he belittles what he perceives as feminine or shows disdain for empathy and emotions, it could be masking his insecurities.

4. Compulsive Competitiveness

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Notice if everything is a competition to him, showing a reluctance to engage in activities where he isn’t the best. This hyper-competitiveness often hides deeper issues of self-worth.

5. Claiming Entitlement

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Observe whether he feels entitled in his relationships or interactions, particularly with women. This sense of entitlement is a toxic trait that undermines respect and equality.

6. Avoiding Vulnerability

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If he views vulnerability as a weakness and avoids showing his true feelings, it’s a defense mechanism that blocks genuine connections.

7. Stoicism Over Sharing

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When he chooses stoicism over expressing his feelings, it’s a sign that he values perceived toughness over emotional health.

8. Consent: A Joke to Him?

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If he jokes about or dismisses the importance of consent, it’s a serious indicator of a lack of respect and empathy.

9. Unrealistic Body Standards

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Is he obsessed with achieving an unattainable physique? This pressure can negatively impact his mental health and self-esteem.

10. Recklessness as Valor

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Does he engage in risky behaviors to prove his manhood? This mentality values bravado over personal safety and well-being.

11. Dominance in Relationships

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Antonio Guillem

Watch for his need to control or dominate in relationships, a toxic behavior that prioritizes power over partnership.

12. Success Measured Materially

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If he measures success solely by wealth and conquests, it can limit his capacity for deeper, more fulfilling achievements.

13. Mental Health Stigma

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Does he stigmatize mental health issues or seeking help? This toxic stance can prevent him from addressing and healing his emotional and psychological wounds.

14. Intolerance of Differences

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Notice any discomfort or aggression he shows towards non-heteronormative individuals. This intolerance often stems from insecurity and fear.

15. Deriding Non-Traditional Paths

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If he looks down on people who choose paths different from societal norms, it’s often a sign of his own insecurities.

16. Lone Wolf Pride

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When he prides himself on going it alone and undervalues community, it’s a red flag for unhealthy isolationism.

17. Shirking Domestic Duties

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Viewing household chores or caregiving as beneath him not only perpetuates gender inequality but also disrespects partnership.

18. Violence Glorification

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A fascination with violence as inherently masculine is dangerous, normalizing harm and aggression.

19. Monopolizing Conversations

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If he often dominates discussions and disregards others’ contributions, it suggests he believes his voice matters most.

20. Ignoring Intersectionality

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A failure to acknowledge the complexities of identity indicates a narrow worldview, underpinning toxic masculinity.

21. Emotional Monotony

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If anger is his only emotional outlet, it signifies a limited emotional range, restricting his ability to connect deeply with himself and others.

Embrace Growth

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Spotting these behaviors isn’t about assigning blame but encouraging growth, reflection, and a move towards a healthier expression of masculinity. Let’s support the men in our lives to redefine strength in terms of emotional intelligence, respect, and vulnerability.

The post 21 Indicators of Harmful Masculinity You Should Know first appeared on LoveLists.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / Motortion Films.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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