21 Unsettling Far-Right Tactics That Can’t Be Ignored

The far-right’s antics during the 2024 UK riots are making headlines, and their loud presence is impossible to ignore. How are these groups influencing public discourse, and what does this mean for the future of British society?

1. Liverpool Riot (August 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / WilfredT

In Liverpool, far-right rioters set fire to the Spellow Lane Library Hub, which supports one of the most deprived communities. They also attacked police officers and tried to prevent firefighters from extinguishing the flames.

2. Hull Hotel Attack (August 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alan Fraser Images

Far-right extremists targeted a hotel housing asylum seekers in Hull, leading to significant property damage and injuries to police officers. This attack was part of a broader trend of violent actions against refugee accommodations.

3. Stirling Misinformation Campaign (August 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John Gomez

In Stirling, far-right groups falsely claimed a local stabbing involved a Muslim attacker. Police quickly debunked this misinformation, but not before it sparked community tensions.

4. Blackpool Neo-Nazi Music Festival (Planned for September 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Drazen Zigic

A white-power music festival is planned in Blackpool, organized by a prominent British neo-Nazi. This event has drawn widespread criticism from anti-racism groups, highlighting the far-right’s attempt to normalize hate through cultural events.

5. Manchester Far-Right Rally (August 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / ctickle

Manchester witnessed a large far-right rally where participants clashed with police and counter-protesters. The rally included anti-immigrant rhetoric and resulted in several arrests and injuries.

6. Far-Right Telegram Networks (2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John Gomez

Far-right activists have been using Telegram to coordinate their activities, including organizing protests and spreading false narratives about crimes and immigration. These networks have proven effective in inciting violence and unrest across the UK.

7. Southport Stabbing Misinformation (July 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Loredana Sangiuliano

Following the tragic Southport stabbing, far-right groups spread false information about the attacker, claiming he was a Muslim immigrant. This disinformation directly contributed to riots and violent protests across multiple cities.

8. Hartlepool Protests (August 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / JordanCrosby

Far-right protesters in Hartlepool threw debris at police and caused significant unrest. This was part of a larger pattern of violent far-right demonstrations across the country.

9. Sunderland Police Station Fire (August 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Cheshir.002

In Sunderland, a police station was set on fire during far-right riots. This incident was one of the most violent demonstrations in August, reflecting the growing boldness of these extremist groups.

10. Anti-LGBTQ+ Campaigns (2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Lena Ivanova

Far-right groups have increasingly targeted the LGBTQ+ community, organizing protests and online harassment campaigns aimed at undermining LGBTQ+ rights. These efforts are part of a broader strategy to erode social progress and incite division.

11. Far-Right Martial Arts Clubs (2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / boybehindacamera

There has been a rise in far-right-affiliated martial arts clubs across the UK, such as Active Club Scotland. These clubs train members with neo-Nazi ties for potential violent conflicts, raising concerns about domestic terrorism.

12. Nigel Farage’s Controversial Statements (August 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Michael Tubi

Nigel Farage, leader of the Reform UK party, questioned why the Southport stabbing wasn’t treated as a terror-related incident, suggesting government cover-ups. His comments were condemned for legitimizing far-right narratives.

13. Telegram Disinformation Channels (2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Monkey Butler Images

Far-right groups have used Telegram to spread disinformation about crimes, particularly those involving immigrants. These channels have been instrumental in organizing violent protests and inciting hatred.

14. Attacks on Asylum Seeker Hotels (August 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / John Gomez

Throughout August, there were coordinated attacks on hotels housing asylum seekers in cities like Sunderland and Birmingham. These attacks often involved arson and were linked to far-right anti-immigrant sentiments.

15. Patriotic Alternative’s Pro-Palestinian Stance (2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / SunshineMunu

The far-right group Patriotic Alternative took a surprising pro-Palestinian stance, aligning with other hardline Nazi groups. This has caused internal divisions within the broader far-right movement.

16. Arson Attacks on Mosques (2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Dragan Mujan

Several mosques across the UK were targeted in arson attacks by far-right extremists. These incidents have raised fears of escalating violence against Muslim communities.

17. Far-Right March in Leeds (August 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sandor Szmutko

A significant far-right march took place in Leeds, with participants chanting anti-immigrant slogans. This event highlighted the growing far-right presence in northern England.

18. Far-Right Political Gains (July 2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Martin Suker

The Reform UK party, led by Nigel Farage, made significant gains in the July general election, securing 14% of the vote and five MPs. This success has been linked to the party’s adoption of far-right rhetoric.

19. English Defence League Resurgence (2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Sean Aidan Calderbank

Despite being disbanded, remnants of the EDL have been involved in organizing far-right protests and spreading anti-immigrant propaganda throughout the year.

20. Far-Right Terrorism Convictions (2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / chrisdorney

2024 has seen a record number of far-right activists convicted for terrorism-related offences. This highlights the growing threat of far-right extremism in the UK.

21. Government Crackdown on Far-Right Activities (2024)

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Fred Duval

In response to the escalating violence and unrest, Prime Minister Keir Starmer’s government has vowed to take a tougher stance on far-right groups, including considering the proscription of organizations like the English Defence League.

When Noise Becomes Chaos

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Monkey Butler Images

The far-right’s efforts to sow division and chaos during the 2024 UK riots are a stark reminder of the dangers they pose. If left unchecked, their noise could turn into something much worse for British society.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / John Gomez.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

The images used are for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual people or places mentioned in the article.

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