20 Cities Where House Prices Are a Bargain Compared to the South

Ever wonder how ridiculous the price disparity is between houses in the North and South of England? Thinking about ditching the ludicrously priced South for somewhere you might actually be able to own a closet without a mortgage?

1. Edinburgh

Image Credit: Shutterstock / f11photo

Edinburgh scoffs at the Southern prices with a modest 50% reduction, but against London, the savings are a solid 110%. Opt for festivals and fortresses over fiscal folly.

2. Derby

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Alex Daniels

Derby’s housing market laughs at the Southern prices, being 100% cheaper. Facing London, the savings jump to 160%. Industrial charm without the industrial-sized mortgage.

3. Leeds

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Go My Media

Leeds mocks the Southern average with its 85% lower prices. Against London, the gap widens to a staggering 155%. It’s a hub for anyone interested in actually saving money while enjoying a youthful, vibrant city.

4. Cardiff

Image Credit: Shutterstock / steved_np3

Cardiff, Wales’ beacon of affordability, is 75% cheaper than the Southern mirage. Compared to London, it’s a sensible 140% less. Culture, castles, and sanity-saving prices.

5. Liverpool

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Madrugada Verde

Southern housing costs double Liverpool’s prices. Compared to the financial drain that is London, Liverpool is 150% cheaper, offering more than just the Beatles and a football rivalry, but actual living space.

6. Hull

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Robin D. Williams

Hull offers a reality check with housing costs 95% lower than the South’s fantasy prices. Against London, it’s 165% cheaper. Choose culture and community over the financial black hole of the capital.

7. Newcastle

Image Credit: Shutterstock / larry McGuirk

The average house price in the South of England looms a laughable 120% higher than Newcastle. If you dare to compare it with London, Newcastle’s prices are a more palatable 180% lower. Escape the capital’s clutches and enjoy an actual backyard for once.

8. Coventry

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Claudio Divizia

Coventry offers a dose of reality at 85% cheaper than the Southern dream. London’s delusion costs 150% more. Embrace a city that rebuilds itself without draining your bank account.

9. Glasgow

Image Credit: Shutterstock / cornfield

Glasgow offers undeniable value, 80% cheaper than the Southern hype and 135% less than London. Friendly folks, rich culture, and no need to mortgage your future for a flat.

10. Aberdeen

Image Credit: Shutterstock / jimmonkphotography

Aberdeen, balancing city life and nature, cuts costs by 70% compared to the Southern illusion and 125% versus London. Thrive in an economy not solely driven by property prices.

11. Inverness

Image Credit: Shutterstock / nitsawan katerattanakul

Inverness, hidden in the Highlands, is a steal at 95% cheaper than the Southern fantasy and 160% less than London. Embrace the scenic routes over the rat race.

12. Sheffield

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Elizabeth Iris

Sheffield, where you can live without selling a kidney, is 90% cheaper than the Southern average. Versus London? A whopping 160% difference. Enjoy the greenery of the Peaks without the peak prices.

13. Nottingham

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Ian Francis

Robin Hood’s Nottingham takes from the rich (London) and gives to the poor, with prices 95% lower than the South and 170% less than the capital. Afford a house, not just an apartment.

14. Leicester

Image Credit: Shutterstock / JJFarq

Leicester stands out with its vibrant culture, priced 90% lower than the pretentious Southern average. Against London, it’s a breath of fresh financial air at 155% cheaper.

15. Swansea

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Leighton Collins

Swansea’s coastal views come without the eye-watering price tag, 80% cheaper than the Southern joke and 145% less than London. Who needs a crowded tube when you can have a beach?

16. Sunderland

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Hazel Plater

Sunderland’s housing market is a dream, 110% cheaper than the South’s nightmare. London’s prices are a jaw-dropping 175% higher. It’s time to reconsider the coastal charm over capital chaos.

17. Stoke-on-Trent

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Gareth L Evans

Stoke-on-Trent is where your money actually counts, costing 120% less than the average Southern robbery. Against London, you keep 190% more of your hard-earned cash. Pottery and affordability? Sign us up.

18. Durham

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Bahadir Yeniceri

Enjoy historic Durham at prices 105% lower than the Southern average. Against London, you save a ludicrous 180%. It’s a no-brainer unless you enjoy burning money for warmth.

19. Belfast

Image Credit: Shutterstock / William Barton

Belfast in Northern Ireland offers sanity at prices 90% lower than the Southern madness and 155% cheaper than London. Dive into history and emerging scenes without the outrageous costs.

20. Manchester

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Wozzie

The general South thinks very highly of itself, pricing out regular folks with costs about 110% higher than Manchester. London’s arrogance is even more pronounced at 170% pricier than Manchester, a city that balances affordability with not being a cultural wasteland.

Why Break the Bank When You Can Break Free?

Image Credit: Shutterstock / Viiviien

Think about it: would you rather perpetuate the capital’s property Ponzi scheme or actually enjoy where you live? If these price comparisons don’t inspire a moving van rental, maybe nothing will.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / agsaz.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

The images used are for illustrative purposes only and may not represent the actual people or places mentioned in the article.

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