20 Political Events That Rocked Britain to Its Core

Britain has seen its fair share of political drama, with scandals surfacing from Westminster as regularly as the London buses. From MPs caught misappropriating funds to catastrophic policy errors that shocked the nation, these events have unravelled with the dramatic flair of a Shakespearean tragedy. Here are 20 political scandals that have made a significant impact, sparking public fury, leading to resignations, and dominating the headlines.

1. Profumo Affair (1963)

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John Profumo, the War Minister, lied to the House of Commons about his affair with Christine Keeler, who was also involved with a Soviet diplomat. The scandal threatened national security and ended Profumo’s career.

2. The Expenses Scandal (2009)

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Revealed by The Telegraph, MPs from all parties had misused public money, making dubious expense claims for everything from duck houses to moat cleaning, leading to a major public trust crisis and numerous resignations.

3. Cash-for-Questions Affair (1994)

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Conservative MPs were accused of accepting cash from lobbyists in exchange for raising specific questions in Parliament, leading to several resignations and a new emphasis on ethical conduct in politics.

4. Cash-for-Honours Scandal (2006)

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The Labour Party was accused of nominating individuals for honours in exchange for loans and donations. No charges were brought, but the scandal left a stain on Tony Blair’s premiership.

5. The Iraq War Dossier (2003)

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The government was accused of “sexing up” a dossier on Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction to justify entering the war. The resulting fallout included the death of Dr. David Kelly, a key figure in the controversy.

6. MPs’ Second Home Scandal (2009)

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Part of the broader expenses scandal, several MPs flipped their second home designation to maximize their allowances, leading to widespread public anger and policy reform.

7. Plebgate (2012)

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Andrew Mitchell MP allegedly called police officers “plebs” during an altercation at Downing Street. Although he resigned, later evidence suggested the police account might have been exaggerated.

8. Libor Scandal (2012)

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While not exclusively political, the manipulation of the Libor rates involved major banks and called into question the oversight roles of government bodies during the financial crisis.

9. Phone Hacking Scandal (2011)

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Media outlets, notably News of the World, were found to have engaged in phone hacking to scoop stories, leading to a public inquiry that involved politicians’ oversight and relationships with the media.

10. Westland Affair (1986)

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A split in the Thatcher government over the rescue of the Westland helicopter company led to the resignation of Defence Secretary Michael Heseltine and highlighted internal conflicts within the cabinet.

11. Windrush Scandal (2018)

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This saw legal residents, mostly from the Caribbean, wrongly detained, denied legal rights, and threatened with deportation due to the “hostile environment” policies aimed at reducing illegal immigration.

12. The Lobbying Scandal (2021)

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Former Prime Minister David Cameron lobbied ministers on behalf of the finance firm Greensill Capital, leading to calls for reform in corporate influence on politics.

13. Brexit Campaign Misinformation (2016)

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The Brexit referendum was plagued with misleading claims, most famously the assertion that £350 million a week sent to the EU could be used to fund the NHS instead.

14. Barnard Castle Eye Test (2020)

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Dominic Cummings, advisor to Prime Minister Boris Johnson, was accused of breaching lockdown rules by driving to Barnard Castle, allegedly to test his eyesight, leading to public uproar over double standards.

15. Priti Patel Bullying Allegations (2020)

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The Home Secretary was found to have bullied civil servants, according to an internal investigation, which raised questions about the enforcement of ministerial codes.

16. Owen Paterson Lobbying Row (2021)

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Conservative MP Owen Paterson was found to have breached lobbying rules, leading to a botched attempt by the government to reform the standards process before a U-turn and his resignation.

17. Partygate (2022)

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Revelations that government officials, including the Prime Minister, attended parties during COVID-19 lockdown restrictions led to fines and significant public backlash.

18. Grenfell Tower Fire (2017)

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While primarily a public safety failure, the aftermath raised serious questions about housing policies, government oversight, and accountability, leading to an ongoing inquiry.

19. Scottish Parliament Building Scandal (2004)

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The construction of the new Scottish Parliament Building, costing over ten times the initial estimate, led to public outrage over financial mismanagement.

20. BHS Scandal (2016)

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While more corporate than political, the collapse of BHS involved parliamentary inquiries into Sir Philip Green’s knighthood and the conduct of the pension regulators, highlighting the crossover between business and politics.

In the Aftermath

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As the dust settles after each scandal, the public is left pondering the integrity of their leaders and the robustness of the systems meant to hold them to account.

The post 20 Political Events That Rocked Britain to Its Core first appeared on LoveLists.

Featured Image Credit: Shutterstock / James Ivor Wadlow.

For transparency, this content was partly developed with AI assistance and carefully curated by an experienced editor to be informative and ensure accuracy.

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