Keeping an eye on your utility bills? You might be surprised which household appliances are quietly driving those numbers up. Here’s the lowdown on the top energy guzzlers in your home and how to dial back their appetite for power.
1. Central Air Conditioning
Running your A/C can cost you a lot annually. To cut costs, consider smart thermostats and regular maintenance to keep it running efficiently.
2. Heating System (Electric)
Electric heating can hit your wallet hard. Sealing leaks and insulating your home can help keep that heat in and your bills down.
3. Water Heater (Electric)
This essential appliance can significantly increase your annual energy expenses. Lowering the thermostat to 120°F and insulating your tank can shave off some of that expense.
4. Pool Pump
Maintaining a pristine pool can be expensive. However, opting for a variable-speed pump can greatly decrease this expense in the long run.
5. Clothes Dryer
To save, clean the lint filter regularly, and consider air-drying when possible.
6. Refrigerator
Keeping it full and the coils clean can help improve efficiency and reduce costs.
7. Freezer
Defrosting it regularly and keeping it in a cool, well-ventilated space can help lower this cost.
8. Electric Oven
Baking and roasting can add to your yearly bills. Using smaller appliances like microwaves or toaster ovens for smaller meals can reduce energy use.
9. Dishwasher
Running it only when full and choosing air-dry settings can help save water and energy.
10. Lighting
Switching to LED bulbs and turning off lights when not in use can significantly reduce this cost.
11. Desktop Computer
Using power-saving settings and turning them off when not in use can help save electricity.
12. Plasma TV
Opting for LED or LCD models can halve your energy consumption.
13. Gaming Console
Your gaming addiction might be draining your finances. Utilizing power-saving modes and setting limits on playtime can help you control expenses.
14. Washing Machine
Washing with cold water and running full loads are easy ways to save energy and money.
15. Electric Blanket
While an electric blanket may only incur a few pounds in yearly costs, it remains a cheaper alternative to heating the entire house at night. Additionally, pre-heating your bed before turning it off can further conserve energy.
16. Humidifier
Using it only when necessary and keeping it clean ensures efficient operation and prevents mold growth.
17. Coffee Maker
Brewing your daily java can add to your yearly energy bills. Switching to a manual brew method or ensuring it’s off when not in use can reduce this.
18. Ceiling Fan
Remember, fans cool people, not rooms — turn them off when you leave to save energy.
19. Laptop
Laptops are more energy-efficient than desktops. Using sleep mode and unplugging when not in use can optimize your energy savings.
Cut Costs Now
With these insights, you’re armed to tackle those hidden energy vampires lurking in your home. Small changes in how you use appliances can lead to big savings, making both your wallet and the planet a little happier. Remember, it’s not just about using less — it’s about using smart.
The post 19 Home Appliances That Secretly Rack Up Your Bills first appeared on LoveLists.
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